ViewsML joins the Debiopharm Innovation Fund portfolio

As part of our ongoing effort to diversify our digital health portfolio, we have recently added a new seed-stage company.

ViewsML is transforming spatial biology for translational research and precision medicine through artificial intelligence (AI) deep learning. Their technology virtualizes IHC to predict biomarker expression, both spatially and quantitatively, at the cellular level.

This virtual IHC revolutionizes traditional methods by preserving tissue samples, reducing reagent and infrastructure costs, enhancing sample characterization, and offering adaptability to various biomarkers, diseases, and species.

Through their cloud-based image viewer, users can rapidly visualize results and utilize analytical tools for further evaluation. This technology reduces the IHC process to seconds, accommodating multiple biomarkers without requiring additional samples. It is applicable to preclinical and translational research, virtual diagnostic assays, and contract research organizations.

Tom Gibbs, Senior Investment Director at Debiopharm Innovation Fund said:

We are excited to invest in ViewsML their vision of replacing time-consuming, unreliable, and expensive IHC tests with AI analysis of standard H&E slides is incredibly compelling. This approach offers a new avenue for digital pathology that can help accelerate and improve drug development.

Dr. Kenneth To, CEO of ViewsML said:

We are thrilled to have Debiopharm participating in our financing round. Beyond capital, Debiopharm provides invaluable mentorship as a biopharma in the oncology space. This will accelerate our path to product-market fit as we look to deploy our AI-driven virtual immunohistochemistry platform at scale.