Innovation Debiopharm Academia Life Science

Partnering with institutions to accelerate the translation of scientific innovation into new anti-cancer and anti-infective treatments

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The global scientific, academic and pharmaceutical organizations ecosystem focusing on new breakthrough therapies for cancer patients is rich. Through IDEAL, Debiopharm aims to accelerate the translation of these scientific discoveries into therapeutic innovation with a global reach. This initiative allows Debiopharm to establish collaborations with academic and medical institutions worldwide, enabling researchers to mature early-stage innovations in oncology and antibiotics. With financial support from Debiopharm, promising programs could be developed further.

How does IDEAL work?

You can help us to bring the next breakthrough treatment to patients

  • A simple application process and quick decision on funding
  • Feedback and support from Debiopharm and the institute’s technology transfer office
  • A collaboration opportunity with Debiopharm which will avoid the “valley of death”, the phase between successful innovation outcome and a deal with a pharmaceutical company.
The process of the IDEAL initiative

At the end of your study a final report of your research and results will be sent to the Steering Committee for evaluation.

  • For programs that could advance to become a Debiopharm development program, Debiopharm will enter into negotiation for a collaboration.
  • If the Steering Committee concludes that Debiopharm will not embark in the future development of the project, the institute will be free to exploit the results at their discretion.

Our current partners

  • Université de Genève - Involved in most cutting-edge sectors and active in interdisciplinary research


    Institut des Sciences pharmaceutiques de Suisse occidentale - Conducts research to discover new therapeutic agents and develop novel formulation and delivery strategies

Frédéric Lévy Chief Scientific Officer, Search & Evaluation and Scientific Innovation

You would like to join the IDEAL program? We are always looking for new collaborations!

Contact us

Submit your project

If your scientific project involves the early-stage development of new anti-cancer drugs and antibiotics, we invite you to submit your project for review. Please fill out the contact form below: