Innovation Debiopharm Academia Life Science in Japan

The IDEAL program is dedicated to facilitating and accelerating the transformation of academic innovation into novel therapeutic approaches for combating cancer. IDEAL operates in a predefined legal framework between the host institution and Debiopharm.

IDEAL funds up to 1 year of experimental work to advance promising therapeutic projects for a potential in-licensing by Debiopharm.

Researchers can apply for funding from the IDEAL program through a quick and simple process at any time during the year. Feedback on applications is obtained within a one-month timeframe and funds received just a few weeks later. IDEAL supports projects over a period of up to one-year and provides financial funding up to 10,000,000 JPY to carry out the research. This program does not support the purchase of equipment.

At the end of the IDEAL project, Debiopharm will have an exclusivity period up to 6 months to decide either to enter into negotiation with the researcher and the host institution for a license agreement or to end the project. Should the latter occur, the data generated under IDEAL will belong to the researchers and they will be free to contact other partners and to publish their results.


Any group of researchers affiliated with an academic institution in Japan and at least one of the applicants should be member of the Japanese Cancer Association.

The process of the IDEAL initiative

At the end of your study a final report of your research and results will be sent to the Steering Committee for evaluation.

  • For programs that could advance to become a Debiopharm development program, Debiopharm will enter into negotiation for a collaboration.
  • If the Steering Committee concludes that Debiopharm will not embark in the future development of the project, the institute will be free to exploit the results at their discretion.

Frederic Levy, Chief Scientific Officer at Debiopharm and former Professor at the University of Lausanne and Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research

“In my long academic career, I have come to realize the immense worth of working closer with the industry to develop new life-saving therapies. Therefore, we hope that this new IDEAL program partnership will inspire breakthroughs in cancer research, fostering collaboration of “translation” research, consisting in the conversion of laboratory discoveries into practical advancements answering patients’ unmet medical needs.”

Help us to bring the next breakthrough treatment to patients

If your scientific project involves the early-stage development of new anti-cancer drugs, we invite you to submit your project for review. Please fill out the contact form below: