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Frost & Sullivan Presents Debiopharm Group™ with “European Biopharmaceuticals Company of the Year Award”
Abionic wins the ‘Prix Debiopharm Valais pour les Sciences de la Vie’ for its innovative biomedical device for diagnostic testing
Inauguration du “Debiopharm Laboratory”: Debiopharm Group équipe la Haute Ecole Spécialisée – SO Valais d’un laboratoire peptidique de pointe
The Japanese Cancer Association and Debiopharm Group™present the JCA-Mauvernay Award to Dr Ogawa and Prof. Maeda for their outstanding oncology…
Professor Leroux from ETH receives the Debiopharm Life Sciences Award 2010
Debiopharm Group™ and Biocartis embark on a partnership aiming at enhancing personalized medicine
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