Latest news
Sanvar® (Debio 8609) for esophageal variceal bleeding – Debiopharm submits response to the FDA
Japanese Cancer Association and Debiopharm Honour Japanese Research – Professors Ichijo and Mano receive 2008 JCA-Mauvernay Award
Clinical Update – Debio 9902 SR (ZT-1) for Alzheimer Patients – Debiopharm Starts Tablet Formulation Bridging Study under IN
Debiopharm moves towards a new 6-month formulation of Decapeptyl® to further help prostate cancer patients
Debiopharm investit pour les médicaments innovants de demain – Inauguration de Campus “après-demain”, son site de développement et de production
Debiopharm and EPFL Sign Research Project Agreement to Identify Inhibitors of Signalling Pathways Controlling Cell Fate For Cancer Treatment
Doctor Manel Esteller Receives the Debiopharm Life Sciences Award For his Outstanding Research in Epigenetic Oncology
Le “Prix Debiopharm/Valais pour les Sciences de la Vie” honore un chimiste valaisan pour son procédé électrochimique novateur
Debiopharm Signs License Agreement for Marketing of Salvacyl®/Moapar 3-month for Sexual Deviations
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