Press Releases
Grand gagnant du 6eme Challenge 2021 pour la qualité de vie du patient, le projet WheelyWasher permet de nettoyer automatiquement…
Swiss-based Debiopharm co-invests in the future of cell therapies on a chip through the latest $25 million Series A round…
CARB-X Funds The 3rd Round of Debiopharm’s Targeted Antibiotic Program To Combat Resistant N. Gonorrhoeae Infections
Debiopharm & Dexa Medica Launch Triptorelin Collaboration to Bring New Hope To Women With Endometriosis
Debiopharm Encourages Breakthough Cancer Research In Japan Through its Competitive JCA Mauvernay Award
6e Challenge Qualité de vie du patient : cinq finalistes reçoivent 5000 francs chacun et avancent en finale
Debiopharm and Ubix Therapeutics launch research to develop a new anti-cancer modality – antibody degraducer® conjugates
Debiopharm’s CD37 antibody drug conjugate shows promising phase II results for the treatment of B-cell malignancies
Debiopharm Collaborates With Innocentive For The Launch of A Global Challenge To Develop A Single-Dose mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine